AT SOULSOUND, WE combinE the best of the analog & digital worlds. This brings thOSE PASSIONATE TOnes associated with classic albums, while allowing for the precision and recall-ability of the digital realm.
We will select the best of the tube, transformer and transistor tones to bring the soul forward,
and amplify this using the latest DSP, utilizing strength-on-strength, to deliver a fully realized mix.
$249 Quick & Impactful Mix
2 revisions per mix
Focused more on energy & impact, less on subtle details
Studio sound quality, live performance feel
More digital processing, as it is faster working method then analog
I approach a quick mix more like a live sound gig, where the energy needs to hit immediately, and convey the song in a professional sounding manner. I will do more of the work in the digital realm (as using plugins is quicker then bouncing through my analog gear). The focus is on energy and impact - the fine details are less of a focal point, and the mix is more about just having a great sounding version of the song, similar to what you might hear at a high level live show.
$349 Focused & Detailed Mix
5 revisions per mix
Main elements bounced through appropriate analog gear to add tone and emotion
Mix automated in the digital realm, focusing on fine details and mix momentum/development
Time given to exploring options for making the track come alive
The process is much the same as the full “Extended & Detailed Mix”, using analog gear for just the main elements. I move quicker when making decisions with less revisions. This is a great option for an artist on a budget, that wants to maximize their funds, while still having a fully automated and engaging mix.
$499 Extended
& Detailed Mix
Unlimited revisions
Each element is bounced through appropriate analog gear to add tone and emotion
Mix automated in the digital realm, detail-focused with mix momentum/development
Focus on “special moments” customized to your song to make your mix unique
Time allowed to reflect on the mix and making adjustments
I begin by bouncing each element of the track out through the appropriate analog gear - maybe some tubes on the bass, or a little warm Neve tone, a subtle tape delay on the vocals, and some vibe-y compression to make the drums pop.
Elements are then moved into the digital realm for flourishes and fine detail. I also pay special attention to coming up with custom moments that make your mix unique and magical. Once a mix is complete, I review and revise with each artist to ensure that you are loving it!
(Above rates are for artist funded projects - Grant / Label funded projects = $60 Hourly rate for tracking, editing & mixing = $80 Corporate)
Please Note - All packages include basic editing as needed. Additional fees will be added for extended fixes.
“Orion Paradis, you did a bang up job! Cleaned up a lot of the frequency content that was bugging me and just rounded out the sound really nice. Definitely has your SOULSOUND sonic stamp. I love it!" - DAVID ROMAN